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Evaluating Online Resources

Information on this page directly from: MidLink Magazine

Navigation & Presentation

____ 1. Is each section of the page labeled with a topic or section heading? 

____ 2. Does the page load quickly? 

____ 3. Are the pictures on the page helpful and clearly related to the subject? (Take off points for too many animated graphics or unrelated images).

____ 4. Are there clearly marked buttons and links that transport you to locations within the site and allow you to find your way quickly to information you need? 

____ 5. Is the page clearly labeled with the author's name or the sponsoring organization and contact information? (Hint: Check the bottom of the page or look for "About us" or "Who We Are.") 

Rate each answer from 0-4. (4 points = highest rating.)



Rate each answer from 0-4. (4 points = highest rating.)

____ 6. Does the information appear to be error free? (No errors in spelling, sentence structure, content, etc...)

____ 7. Does the information appear to be up-to-date? (Check last update, often found at the bottom of the pate.)

Traditional Library

____ 8. Does the site include links to appropriate sites outside this page? Are these links marked in any way to indicate when you are leaving the original site?

____ 9. Does the content have some educational value? Would it reinforce or enhance information taught in the classroom? 


In the Classroom

Rate each answer from 0-4. (4 points = highest rating.)

____ 10. Is the content appropriate for classroom research? (Hint: Items that are inappropriate include profanity, nudity, undue violence, etc...)

____ 11. Is the vocabulary appropriate for students? (Hint: Is the language similar to your textbooks or other classroom materials?) 

Scope and Validity 

Rate each answer from 0-4. (4 points = highest rating.)

____ 12. Is the content sufficient to cover the topic adequately? If not. are there links to other useful resources? 

____ 13. Is the content unique, fresh, or new? Is the information something nor easily found elsewhere? 

____ 14. Can you find evidence of the author's credentials, background, education, or authority? What special training or education qualifies the author to create this page? (Hint: Look for links - "About us", "Who we are", "Editors", etc...)


Add them up! 

Add up all of the points to determine the reliability of this source: 

Excellent: 52 - 56 points
Good: 48 - 55 points
Fair: 40 - 47 points
Poor: Below 40 points
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